The added value we provide by being a charity
We have a unique position in the sector because we use our charitable income to offer more opportunities and a greater range of experiences to young people.
Break’s offer is lifelong and represents an exceptional commitment and investment. It also represents incredible added value for the tax payer. You may be purchasing a single placement but our support lasts forever.
Enhancing the lives of children
As a charity we are proud to use our charitable income to enhance the lives of children, young people and families. We work in innovative ways to provide added value as part of our offer to those we support.
We do this through fundraised income, additional grants and trust funding, the range of expertise within the organisation and the relationships / partnerships we establish with supporters, other agencies as well as a range of corporate businesses.
How we offer added value
- A range of activities and regular opportunities for our children and young people which they might not otherwise have i.e. extraordinary holidays, pursuing hobbies or interests that may be quite costly.
- Young people’s participation and co-production steered by our dedicated participation and co-production lead.
- Access to weekend accommodation either for a planned break or to utilise in a crisis situation.
- Encouragement and access to opportunities to build vital skills for life and work, utilising DofE as well as our own activities such as cookery classes.
- Creating opportunities for young people to develop their employment skills, improve their confidence to explore the world of work in a safe but challenging environment. This is enhanced further through work apprenticeship opportunities.
- Therapeutic services to children, young people and all of our teams to enhance the work they do with children, young people and families.
These are just examples of the added value we offer. Charitable funding provides a level of flexibility which genuinely makes an enormous difference to the care we can provide and allows Break to provide unrivalled value for money to the taxpayer.